Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

May 2013

May 26th – evening – Three beavers were seen tonight at the secondary dam. Jr. was up at the primary dam, doing some mudding. A couple from San Leandro, who read the Bay Nature article, came to check out the beavers and they weren’t disappointed.HP, JR

May 8th – 6:009m – 8:00pm – Tonight was almost a repeat of last night and again no baby was seen out of the bank hole. The adult beavers plus Jr. were out and about swimming to the secondary dam and taking some willow back to their special places along the bank near the footbridge. Again we think there were four beavers spotted but hard to tell when they all don’t come out together.HP, JR, LB

May 7th – 6:00pm – 8:00pm – This was a very busy beaver sighting evening. It did take awhile before the beavers started coming down from the primary dam area. While we waited, we saw a duck with her 6 tiny babies come swimming up and they walked over the dam. They returned some time later and went up and over and swam back up towards the primary. Once the beavers started coming down, we lost track of how many we saw. At least three adults were seen along with Jr. Others thought that there were four adults seen plus Jr. They continued to swim back and forth and entertained us until we left.HP,JR,CR,LB

May 6th – 6:00pm – The first sighting was of a beaver up above the primary dam. Two beavers kept the watchers busy going back and forth between the primary dam and the Creek Monkey. One was seen several times up on the bank eating. Both were very large beavers. Moved down to the secondary dam in hopes of seeing the new kit, which never did make another appearance, while we were there. Three or maybe it could have been four large beavers came down from the primary at different times. Once there were two beavers swimming around by the dam together. One beaver was seen doing some mudding on the dam and checking it out. It could have been Jr. but not certain as it was large. A beaver crossed over the dam and swam down towards the railroad bridge. The others swam back up towards the primary. Several people, would were waiting for the train to Portland, stopped by to see what was going on and were very luck to see beavers. CR,LB

May 5th – 6:30pm – One of the most exciting beaver watching nights in many years. Jr. was out around 6:30. He checked the secondary dam and did some mudding before swimming off. Soon after an adult beaver appeared and it seemed to be one of the 2010 kits. Another big beaver came down from the primary dam and climbed up on the bank near the Marina Vista bridge. It soon came down and went straight to the bank hole. Jr. came out again and then another large beaver came down and it seemed something was on its’ back. They went into the bank hole. While watching all the activity, suddenly a very small kit came out from the bank hole. It swam for a minute and then dove down. This is the earliest that a kit has been seen. There’s a new addition to the Martinez beaver family. Congratulations! HP, JR, JO

May 1st – 5:00am – There was a very high tide that covered the secondary dam. Some ducks were swimming over the dam and a big beaver near the dam gave a big tail slap. Another beaver was working on the bank lodge near the footbridge. It was carrying wood and putting mud on the lodge area. A hummingbird was spotted hovering over the dam and a mocking bird was in the cottonwood tree near the bank lodge.HP

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