Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

July 2013

July 30th – 6:00pm-8:00pm – One of the kits was out by the secondary dam by 6:30 and continued to swim around back and forth between the dam and the Marine Vista street bridge. Another kit came swimming down from the primary dam. One large adult beaver came out and went over the secondary and down towards the third dam followed by one of the kits. It might have been Dad. Soon after another adult beaver came down from the primary and crossed over and went on down. The other kit went over also but stayed on the bank near the dam and ate berry branches.CR, LB

July 27th – 5:30am – Five beavers were seen early this morning. Two adult beavers came swimming from down stream and another adult beaver came down from the primary dam. Two of the three kits were also seen. HP, JR

July 21st – 6:30pm-8:00pm – After a wrap up Beaver Festival meeting, several Worth A Dam members went down to the dam sites to check out the beavers. Most of the activity was at the footbridge. One of the kits made the first appearance and spent the time swimming back and forth and finding some cottonwood, that would be taken back to the bank hole. Another kit came down from the primary dam and spent time down around the secondary dam also. Two adult beavers were also seen. We believe one was mom as the kit swam right up to her and they swam together for a while. Besides the beaver activity, we had a lot of families with children drop by and several visitors from out of town. Also joining the group was a lady with two birds. One was on her shoulder and the other perched on her hand. It was a very interesting evening. HP, JR, CR, LB

July 17th – 6:00pm-8:00pm – Tonight most of the beaver activity was at the primary dam. When I first got there, there was a report of an otter that was out and about around the primary dam. Soon the bigger kit came out and right after one of the adult beavers came to join the kit. Seems like the adult was watching and making sure the otter had gone on its way and didn’t want to leave the kit by itself. A trip down to the secondary dam to check to see if any beavers were out there wasn’t fruitful, as no beavers came out while we were there. Back to the primary, and again the kit was out checking things out around the dam. The kit was still out when we left. CR, LB

July 15th – 6:00pm-8:00pm – For beaver watchers, this was a very busy beaver night and also it came with a surprise. As usual the kits were out first. The first one spotted came from the bank hole area and the other came down from the primary. As they were busy trying to get some berry branches, we saw three adult beavers come and go. One adult was out and the two kits joined it and think it must have been mom. The two kits ate and played together a lot. As one of the watchers was taking pictures of the two kits together by the footbridge, it was mentioned that their was a kit near the secondary dam. After trying to get a clarification to the actual sightings, we realized that there are three kits.What a surprise. We continued to watch all the activity and it was hard to leave. CR, LB

July 14th – 6:30pm-8:00pm – Around 7:00, one of the new kits came out from the bank hole near the footbridge. It was trying to catch the berry branches that were hanging over the water. After some time the other kit came swimming down from the primary dam. They both spent some time trying to get the branches and also checking out the secondary dam area, which was underwater due to the very high tide. Several families with children came down and were lucky to see the two little ones. Other people who were just walking by, wanted to know what we were looking at and they were so surprised when they were able to see beavers. An adult beaver came down also from the primary dam area and spent some time down near the other dam. A family of 7 raccoons also made an appearance and the babies were so cute. When we left, one kit was still swimming around by the footbridge. HP, JR, LB

July 10th – 6:30pm-8:30pm – I went down to the dam sites to see if I would be lucky enough to see the new kits. Around 7:00pm, I spotted one of the kits coming out near the bank by the Escobar bridge. It swam around for some time and headed towards the annex. It soon came back and went down to the primary dam, crossed over and went to the bank and climbed up into the berry bushes. Decided to go to the secondary dam and while there another kit came swimming up from the dam. Soon mom came out and baby joined her back down by the secondary. They were there for some time just swimming around. The kits seem to enjoy swimming back and forth between the two dams.LB, MS

July 4th – 6:30pm – Those crossing over the footbridge on their way to see the fireworks were treated to the two kits swimming down from the primary dam. The kits continued to be out and about by the secondary dam, as well as Jr. and another one of the adult beavers. It was a very exciting evening for those that were lucky to see the beavers and also hear about them from Worth A Dam members stationed on the bridge. Another safe Fourth of July for the Martinez Beavers.HP, JR

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