Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

June 2013

June 30th – 5:30am – One kit was seen swimming down from the Marina Vista Bridge area and going into the bank hole near the secondary dam. Soon the other kit was seen coming down and it also went into the bank hole, where they must be living now. Raccoons were also swimming near by and reports of a king fisher and greenie were seen near the dam.HP, JR

June 29th – 7:00pm – 7:45pm – When I got to the primary dam, I saw one adult beaver come out, swim around and then go over the dam into the fallen tree. It got a small branch and sat on the pipe eating away. I decided to go up to the Escobar Bridge and when I got there, one of the kits came swimming out from some of the bushes and climbed up on the bank to try to get some berry branches. He got a very small leaf and swam away with that. The other kit was seen swimming closer to the primary dam along with an adult. Walked back to the primary dam but there wasn’t any action there. Most of the action was between the primary and the bridge.LB

June 24th – 6:30pm – Three adult beavers were seen coming up from secondary at 6:30 and then 2 kits were seen coming up from the secondary dam at 7:00. We know for sure that there are still 5 beavers in the creek.HP, JR

June 23rd – 4:30am – Jr. was seen around the secondary dam and a kit was swimming around under the footbridge for about 10 minutes. At the primary dam a kit was believed to be sighted going thru the gap, also heard chewing and whining.JR

June 20th – 7:30pm – A kit was seen coming up from the secondary dam towards the primary dam. Three adults making short work of the tree. HP, JR

June 18th – 9:00pm – Three adult beavers and one kit were seen.HP, JR

June 14th – 6:00pm-9:00pm – I joined two other beaver watchers down near the primary dam. One beaver had already been sighted. One adult beaver came down stream and swam around for some time. Jr. came swimming up from down steam and both beavers spent time checking out the dam and getting some branches from the fallen tree. While we were watching a very fast young otter appeared and spent time swimming back and forth and then he went into the filter. We were hoping he would leave as we wanted to see if any kits would come out and knew mom wouldn’t want the otter around. Finally he swam away. Just as it was getting dark and we were getting ready to leave a very small kit came swimming past us. We almost missed seeing the little one. It swam into the branches from the fallen tree and we could hear it chewing some leaves. A long night to see the little one for just a few seconds but it was worth it. HP, JR, LB, JO

June 10th-6:30pm-8:30pm – Several adult beavers were seen near the primary dam eating off the branches of one of the trees that had fallen near the dam due to the wind. Mom and the two kits came out around 8:00pm and videos of them were taken. The kits climbed over the dam to get some of the leaves from the branches. A video of mom and one of the kits playing was also taken. Very enjoyable beaver sighting morning.HP, JR

June 9th – 6:00pm-8:45pm – Three beavers were seen out near the primary dam. Think one was Jr. with mom. They just floated around watching us and going through the bank by the dam. A few minutes later mom with a kit on her back came out. She made a very quick look and she dropped the kit off in the grass under the bank near me. She popped up right below and watched. The kit popped his head around briefly and then a another adult beaver came floating nearby. The kit dove when I tried to take a photograph and then it disappeared. It was an exciting night and it seemed like mom was presenting her kit for me to see.CR

June 6th – 4:45am – Getting up early was well worth it as the two kits were seen. They are so cute. One kit was curious about everything and wanted to go with mom and also wanted to check out a raccoon. The other kit was more reserved and cautious. Two adult beavers were seen along with Jr. HP

June 5th – 7:30pm – Two beavers were seen down near the secondary dam. They swam up unnoticed as there weren’t any ripples in the water and it couldn’t be determined which way they came. They took some fennel off the dam and then disappeared.JO

June 4th – 4:30am – An adult beaver was on sentry duty swimming back and forth. We got a tail slap. Soon after one kit came out for awhile. The adult got some willow from the bank and then swam into the bank hole.JR, HP

June 3rd – 530am -First sighting of two kits. Two kits were being guarded by an adult near the dam. One kit went out onto the bank. JR

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