Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!


August 30th – 7:00-8:00 – Two kits were seen by the main dam swimming around and taking some willow branches back to the lodge.  They are starting to take larger amounts and it is neat to see them swimming away with long branches trailing behind them.  The smaller kit came up from down stream and crossed over the gap so all three kits were accounted for.  Two green herons were sighted and also one red slider turtle was spotted near the flow device and also near the gap.  He started to cross over but changed his mind and dove back into the water. CR,JR,LB

August 27th – Water movement was seen near the bank by the main dam on the down stream side and then a very large beaver was seen crossing over the gap and then large bubbles were seen heading down towards the filter. This is characteristic of Dad so we are pretty certain that Dad is still around.   GQ usually crosses over the gap and guides around near the main dam before taking some twigs and heading down towards the lodge. The kits were also out and about.  The evenings are getting shorter which means that viewing time is also shorter. The green heron was heard as we were getting ready to leave. HP, LB

August 23rd – 7:00-8:00 – Three kits were seen again last night.  Two were  near the main dam and one came crossing over the gap from down stream around 7:25.  GQ was not seen as it was a short visit. CR

August 22nd – 7:00-8:30 – Did you happen to notice that there is a full moon tonight.  That might explain why it was quite a unique night for viewing strange things.  On my way down to the beaver dam, I saw a naked man getting into his truck.  He did have some clothes in his hand but he was stark naked.  Tall and very skinny from the back.  Several families from out of town came down to see the beavers and they were rewarded with the sightings of the kits.  While we were there, a king fisher was seen and heard flying down the creek.  Also a green heron spent some time on the main dam just staring at the beaver kits when they were out.  One of the kits came from down stream and crossed over the dam.  He joined the other kits that were busy getting twigs and swimming around.  GQ snuck over the dam from down steam also and surprised us. As Heidi was down at the sight from 6:15, GQ and one of the kits must have crossed over earlier or they are staying down stream.HP, LB

August 18th – 6:00ish – The kits were out early and were busy the first hour gathering cotton wood and taking the twigs back towards the lodge.  After 7:00 they took their time coming out.  One would come out for a while and swim around and then go back towards the bank.  It would be some time before another would come out.  GQ came out and checked things out and then returned up stream.  Later GQ  come out with a kit by its side and they swam around before GO crossed over the gap and swam down towards the scraped area.  The kit stayed on the main dam side.  Two kits were seen out together.  Two green herons were also seen flying back and forth by the dam. The viewing time is getting shorter as it is getting darker sooner. CR,JR,JO,HP,JR,LB,MS and Cheryl’s brother here from Montana to view some urban beavers.

August 12th – 7:00-8:30 – It was a slow night for beaver viewing.  The kits did come out but there was some time between each appearance.  The littlest kit was seen swimming and taking small twigs back to the log as well as the other kits.  Two kits were seen together.  The most active animals were two rats that kept running back and forth over the dam and swimming around.  GQ came out swimming very fast up towards the filter and then he gave a big tail slap and we didn’t see any kits for quite some time.  Don’t know if something was bothering them up towards their lodge.  One kit also was seen giving a small tail slap. CR, JR, LB

August 9th- 7:00-8:15 – Several kits were seen swimming around near the main dam site and gathering cotton wood twigs and taking them back towards the lodge.  One rat was seen walking across the dam.  GQ finally came out and broke off a very  large branch of cotton wood and he also swam towards the lodge.  As we were leaving, GQ was sighted doing some mudding on the far side of the dam. JR, CR, LB, MS

August 7th- 7:30-9:00 –  After a very busy day working at the Beaver Festival, several very tired Worth A Damers stopped by the main dam site.  Many people stopped by andIamsuremostofthemhadbeen to the activities that day.  The three kits were seen swimming around the main site and also several crossed over the gap.  The bi-yearling (GQ) came out and crossed over also and swam towards the secondary dam.  Everyone was quite surprised to see how big he is and they were very excitied to actually see some beavers. LB, CR,JR, MS

August 2 – 7:00-8:30  One kit was seen swimming around by the main dam taking some willow twigs back towards the lodge.  While we were watching him, one kit swam up from the secondary dam side of the creek and crossed over the gap.  About 20 minutes later the smallest kit came swimming up and crossed over the gap.  Seems like they are really exploring more and more.  GQ also was seen swimming up to the gap and slowly walking over.  He spent some time swimming around and checking out the willow branches.  After some time, GQ decided to cross over again and swim down towards the secondary dam.  Right after that, one of the kits followed over but he just spent his time swimming around the flow device.  He crossed over the gap again and stayed at the main dam. All three kits were seen along with GQ (2 year old). LB, CR, JR